"Back to the Roots, a Tribute to Richard Duardo"

The Arroyo Arts Collective presents an art and poetry exhibition at the Southwest Museum, in conjunction with Lummis Day.
After graduating from UCLA, Richard Duardo returned to his Northeast L. A. roots because he clearly saw a need, a place where he could make a difference as an artist. He became a printmaker, a social and political activist, and always a great supporter of artists. This show seeks work that examines the social, artistic, and political influences that affect our local artists. "Back to the Roots" reflects and embraces our neighborhoods, our families, our cultures, our politics. 

For more information and inspiration on the life and work of Richard Duardo, please visit

Exhibition Dates:
Saturday, June 6, 10 am - 4 pm 
Sunday, June 7, 12 - 5 pm
. Admision to this and all Lummis Day Festival events is free. 

Opening Tribute and Poetry event:
Saturday, June 6, 12: noon 

The Arroyo Arts Collective has assembled the works of 30 Los Angeles area artists and six poets to take part in the exhibit, which will include a remembrance of the late artist to be held at noon, on Saturday, June 6 in the Museum’s courtyard followed by a reading of poems reflecting the exhibition’s theme.

Painter and muralist Wayne Healy and writer Abel Salas will be among those taking part in the Saturday mid-day tribute. The poetry reading, hosted by Linda Kaye, will follow

.A commemorative folio of six card-sized Duardo reproductions, each bearing an original poem selected or created specifically for the event will be distributed free to attendees.

The Autry Center, which is serving as a Lummis Day sponsor, has made the space within the Museum’s Sprague Hall available for the exhibit.