Advertise in Out West's Lummis Days Magazine!

Out West – the Lummis Day Magazine 2020 rates
from $165.00

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to advertise in Out West –the Lummis Day Magazine for the 15th Anniversary celebration of Lummis Day: The Festival of Northeast Los Angeles.  Produced each year by volunteers on a shoestring budget, the Lummis Day Festival has become one of Northeast LA’s signature events.  Ad sales are one of its chief sources of funding.  

A program/magazine has been published for each Lummis Days Festival. In 2014, the publication took the title “Out West” in homage to a publication of that name edited from 1895 to 1909 by the Festival’s namesake, Charles Fletcher Lummis.  

In addition to program notes for each year’s events, the magazine includes articles on the history and culture of Northeast Los Angeles, profiles of its people and sites of special interest. “Out West” is distributed widely throughout the community in the weeks preceding each year’s Festival and at each Festival location.  Advertising revenue from the magazine is a principal source of the Festival’s funds.

Lummis Day thanks the many advertisers whose support for the magazine makes the annual Festival and all other Foundation activities possible.

Click to View 2020 Ad Rates and Options!

Payment Deadline: April 3, 2020

Artwork Deadline: April 10th, 2020

Material File Requirements: PDF (preferred), InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop

Image resolution: 300 dpi

• Please remember to include or embed images and include or embed (PDF) fonts

• All submitted materials become property of Lummis Day.

• A $50.00 fee will be added for non print-ready submissions requiring extensive editing.     

To Order And Pay Online, Select Ad Size Above, Add To Cart, And Fill Out Info Form.

To Pay By Check, Mail Payment To: Lummis Days PO Box 50543, Los Angeles, CA 90050

Publishing Deadline: May 6, 2020

Publication Date: May 10, 2020

Lummis Days Event Date: June 5th, 6th, 7th 2020

If you have questions about advertising in the 2020 Out West - the Lummis Days Magazine, please contact us at or use the form below.